Linux and PC VR Crossplay (Cross-Platform) Games

On this page, you can find Linux and PC VR cross-platform games. Games listed here are confirmed as working with crossplay between these two platforms.


Linux is a free and open-source operating system that can be used for gaming. It's popular among independent game developers because it's easy to use and modify. There are also a number of good games available for Linux, including "Super Tux Kart" and "Dota 2". Linux is a great choice for gamers who want to play games on a platform that's not dominated by big commercial publishers. However, it's important to note that many popular games are not yet available for the platform.


Cross-Platform Games for Linux and PC VR

The following are crossplay games that work between Linux and PC VR:

😞 Sorry, there are currently no games in our database that are crossplay between Linux and PC VR. Please check back soon to see if any games have been added.

Crossplay With Other Platforms

If you are looking for other platforms to crossplay with Linux or PC VR, you can find some potential options below:

Other Platforms to Crossplay With Linux

Here are some other platforms to crossplay with Linux:

Other Platforms to Crossplay With PC VR

Here are some other platforms which have crossplay games that work with PC VR: