Crossplay Games

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What is Crossplay or Cross-Platform?

Crossplay, also known as cross-platform, is the support for multiplayer online gameplay between different hardware platforms. For example, a player who is using a PS5 might be able to play together with a friend who is using a PC or Xbox Series X.

View the latest cross-platform games added to our database below:


genesis 2 cover


Genesis is a next-generation online-competitive MOBA that uses joystick control for smooth and precise gameplay. It is built on the Unreal 4 Engine, providing stunning graphics and optimized performance. Only…


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SkullPirates is an action-adventure game drawing inspiration from classic titles such as Castlevania, Zelda, and The Legend of the Mystical Ninja. In it, players take control of a pirate crew…


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Nidhogg is an award-winning fencing tug-of-war game that is full of graceful acrobatics and clumsy stabs. It is the ultimate two-player showdown of fast-paced fencing and melee attacks where advantages…

League of Legends

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League of Legends is a fast-paced, competitive online game that blends the speed and intensity of an RTS with RPG elements. Two teams of powerful champions battle head-to-head across multiple…